With the Nortech Traffic TD664 inside, the IR200 Intelligent Vehicle Loop Detector is a reliable and accurate vehicle detection system with low maintenance costs. The IR200 collects, stores and reports on multi-lane traffic data comprising of individual vehicle data events or average flow data relating to traffic volume, speed, length category, vehicle headway and percentage occupancy. It can monitor 32 loops (16 lanes) at vehicle speeds of up to 200km/h.
The Nortech ARM9 processor has been designed with ITS applications in mind. It runs an ARM9 CPU mounted into a standard Eurocard sized carrier. It has the ability to communicate with up to 8 detectors via serial communications to provide a vehicle detection sub-system for integration into ITS applications. An external host computer is able to access information by interrogating the processor via the various communications options available on the front panel.
Remote access via our easy-to-use web browser interface allows for rapid configuration, real-time incident detection, real-time viewing of traffic and host communication data, extensive fault diagnostics and logs. The IR200 uses the TRRL HIOCC algorithm to monitor traffic occupancy per lane on a second-by-second basis and provides traffic incident alarms calculated from configurable alarm variables stored on the IR200 processor. IR200 is fully compatible with existing IR100 installations and is a simple drop-in replacement.
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